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Image by Francesco Gallarotti
Small Green Plants_edited.jpg

Life Development

What is Life Development?

Life Development 101 is an opportunity to get connected and grow in your faith and with our CVCHURCH family!

Three people in the middle of conversation. . warm tone. One person, sitting the middle, i

The seminar is 4 hours, including lunch! It is coming up Sunday, March 3rd, from 1:30-5pm (dinner at 1pm). Childcare is provided. 



   Our Salvation --  "What God has done for us"

   Our Statement of faith-- "Why we exist as a church"

   Our Strategy   -- "How we fulfill our purpose"

   Our Structure -- "When and where we fulfill our purpose"

LD 101

warm imagery. close up shot of group meeting together and holding books. the angle of the

A seminar that is devoted to helping you become good friends with Jesus.

LD 201



 the gifts, passions, abilities, talents, personality, and experiences that God has given you.

LD 301

Happy Man

LD 401/402

You won't be afraid of people who don't know Jesus
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