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Celebrating Scott & Kathe Wood's 25 Years at CVCHURCH
Vision Day 2017 | Together As One

God has given us many talents to use for his people and the local church. We have to look in our hearts to see why we aren't giving our all to him

How To Avoid Rotten Fruit - 10.22.17
How To Avoid Rotten Fruit - Joshua Williams
Talent - 7.23.17
Talent - Joel Simpson

God has given us many talents to use for his people and the local church. We have to look in our hearts to see why we aren't giving our all to him

Special Guests From Belize
Dare To Let The Holy Spirit Lead Your Life - Scott Wood
Kids And The Church - 7.2.17
Kids And The Church - Beth Krausse

Today, we are going to share with you some of the Kids’ Place! songs and some of what happens in the KP! K6 and KP Jr! classrooms!

Life On Purpose - 8.14.16
Dare To Let The Holy Spirit Lead Your Life - Scott Wood

What does it look like to be living a Life On Purpsoe? Kathe Wood, pastor of Innovation speaks.

Rising From Ashes - 7.24.16
Dare To Let The Holy Spirit Lead Your Life - Scott Wood

 No matter how hard we try, we can’t stop bad things from happening. In the end we feel like we are left with ashes, burnt up remnants of a life that should have been beautiful. 

Nothing Created Everything - 7.17.16
Dare To Let The Holy Spirit Lead Your Life - Scott Wood

Your good God made everything. So He made evil. Since evil exists it's obvious God doesn't.You've probably heard these arguments.Maybe you even think some of them. But do you know how to respond to these concerns with facts, with logic and with love?

Dare To Be Genuine - 5.15.16

As we continue to worship in spirit and in truth, we begin to be used in a righteous purpose; we also begin the process of reaching our full potential. When we give ourselves to God, it doesn’t just stay with us—it spreads throughout this church, throughout our community, AND throughout our families and workplaces. Worship makes a difference.

Dare To Be Genuine - Joel Simpson

Dare To Forgive (Mother's Day 2016) - 5.8.16

Forgiveness is at the very core of what Christianity is all about - reconciliation, restoring, preserving and unifying relationships with all of us. 

Dare To Forgive (Mother's Day) - Scott Wood

How To Leave A Lasting Impact - 5.1.16

Every day we have lots of interactions even brief ones with people. Many we even forget about. What impact do we make in their life. To make the best impact, to show them Christ in our life, we have to make sure our attitude isright. We need to make the right choices, and our actions need to mirror ourattitude and choices.

How To Leave A Lasting Impact - Josh Williams

Dare To Wait On God - 4.24.16

Few things make us more irritated than having to wait. Isn’t that true? We don’t like to wait. Learning to wait is key to learn that timing is everything in our lives. 

Dare To Wait On God - Scott Wood

Dare To Be Generous Pt. 2 - 4.10.16

What happens every time i give? We will go over the 12 benefits of being generous. Join us for Part 2 of  "Daring To Be Generous".

Dare To Be Generous Pt. 2 - Scott Wood

The Common Becomes Uncommon - 1.10.16

A common life becomes uncommon when we know life is about something much richer than me and mine doing fine.

Dare To Be Generous - Scott Wood

Heart Check - 1.03.15

There are Heart Checks that God wants to conduct in each of us. Learn how to get good test results when God tests your heart on a daily basis. The major truths you learn will help you grow Deep & Wide throughout 2016.

Daring To Believe (Easter) - Scott Wood

Vision Day - 11/15/15

VIsion Day 2016: CVCHURCH Staff shares their vision for 2016 by going "DEEP & WIDE" 

Dare To Commit Pt 2 - Scott Wood

The Case For Life - 8/30/15

Are there any valid, logical, thoughtful reasons to be pro-life? Is there any scientific evidence to support the position?  Can the position be presented to people who have no basis to believe the Bible?

Dare To Commit - Scott Wood

The Intersection Of Faith & Science - 8/23/15

Can you really trust the Bible?  It says you were created.  Science says you evolved. It says Noah lived with all the animals on an ark for a year.  Science says the ark was too small, and there was no flood. It says people used to live 900 years. Science says that's ridiculous.

Dare To Plant In Faith - Scott Wood

Sent As Friends - 8.16.15

A genuine revival is not about tweaking the way we do church. Instead, it is a complete re-calibration of how we understand God's mission in the world and how we are to participate in it!

Dare To Plant In Faith - Scott Wood

Sent As Friends - 7.26.15

A genuine revival is not about tweaking the way we do church. Instead, it is a complete re-calibration of how we understand God's mission in the world and how we are to participate in it!

Give Your Best To God - Scott Wood

The Evangelist Next Door - 8.26.12

John Sundnes gives a few simple ways that anyone can share about Jesus with family, friends, neighbors and at the workplace. 

Dare To Imagine Pt. 2 - Scott Wood

Relationships Matter - 8.19.12

Kids' Place! pastor Beth Krausse discusses why godly relationships make life great!

Dare To Imagine - Scott Wood

All Or Nothing - 8.12.12

CVCHURCH youth pastor, Dexter Nocon, talks about what's truly important in life instead of wealth, popularity and material stuff.

Turning A Little Into A Lot - Scott Wood

Stay Cool When Life's Too Hot - 7.15.12

Rick Whitlow shares about standing out in a culture that wants us to conform.

What Faith Does Pt. 2 - Scott Wood

From Worst To First - 7.8.12

Scott Alvarez teaches about going from worst to first through serving others!

What Faith Does - Scott Wood
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